RSlogix 5000 Add-On Instruction
Everything you need to know to fully understand Add-On instruction and make them
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What is this ADD-On Instruction course about?
This course gives an in-depth training about add-on instructions in the use of Rockwell Automation software which in other words is RSlogix 5000 and Studio 5000.
We breakdown the tricks and tips that just aren't talked about so don't miss out.
I often get asked is "Why is the course shorter than my others?"
Answer is easy, it's because I am trying to provide as much knowledge as I can about the power of automation so I aim to provide the best training I can with smaller courses that range from 4 to 7 hours.
The video quality of this course is excellent thanks to everyone who supported me and gave me the idea to search for a better place to give training, here it is. This will be built as a one stop shop and have all the training that you will ever need but in bite size portions.
As a gift for you visiting, I want to give you an AOI that was made to find the I/O module's firmware. no charge, just a gift for you visiting us.
Here is the downloads:
How-To Document For AOI_ModuleWho_V01
Please note that it downloads quick so press it once then check your downloads folder.
Also, check out our PWM add-on instruction & download.
Here is a the video showing what it does Studio 5000 Pulse Width Modulation Add On Instruction For Heating Controls
PLC Code Download:
PWM AOI Logic Download Studio 5000 Version 28
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Your Instructor
About Me
I am happy to say he is one of the lead people in controls where he works now after what he learn & the effort he put in, I have to say that I am proud of his achievement. His effort is what made the difference.
Automation is a great field.
Moving forward every day, trying to be a better version of myself tomorrow than I am today, i hope you do the same.